
We want to provide a workplace that is
risk-free and secure.

Making the environmental and safety management system as effective and efficient as feasible is an ongoing goal. We have achieved this accomplishment by implementing safe and responsible working standards and procedures.

For completing project work in PWD Circles at Barmer valued at 80 Crores, Tansingh Chouhan Company has received certification from the Secretary to the Government of Public Works Department.

Additionally, it has granted us a quality certification for the completed work.

We follow many strict procedures to ensure that safety is at the highest standards.

  • Commitment
    1. Employees believe the organization is committed to QHSE throughout and know that they are an equal part Of the process. Adequate resources provided for achievement Of QHSE objectives.
    2. Bottom-up approach to risk management in place with good participation. Investment in QHSE seen as good business sense. Resources generally available.
  • Leadership
    1. Line management drives the process for QHSE excellence over the whole operation and actively leads Quality Steering Council (QSC). QHSE culture accepted throughout the organization. Employees involved at all levels. Personal involvement very visible.
    2. Managers and supervisors actively participate in OHSF activities and set a good example. QSC active. General acceptance of QHSE culture. Most employees involved in QHSE issues.
  • Policies
    1. Policies clearly defined and implemented. Process in place to revise policies. Work force fully aware of all policies.
    2. Good awareness and sensible application of all policies.
  • Objectives
    1. Site and individual objectives under continual review to achieve higher results. Performance objectives clearly identified and communicated to all concerned
    2. Coordinated objectives set and reviewed quarterly. Objectives on target. All employees and most other parties aware of objectives.
  • Organizational Responsibility
    1. QHSE responsibility accepted and acted upon by all line managers throughout every management level, Job descriptions prepared, match actual responsibility and clearly communicated to all employees.
    2. General acceptance of QHSE responsibility at all management levels. Job descriptions in place for most employees. and employees are clear on their responsibilities. No gaps in responsibilities.
  • Training and Competence
    1. Well-balanced. experienced staff and labor with active program. Records used to eftéctively manage training program. Competence requirements of all positions regularly assessed.
    2. Majority of qualified staff/labor given operational training. Training records in place. All instructors qualified. Competencies understood for most positions.
  • Information Management
    1. QHSE given equal priority at all meetings. Good two-way flow Of information and action through controlled series of meetings. Recommendations for document revisions submitted, Documents considered live and useful.
    2. Regular prejob and QHSE meetings. Active partition by all staff. Notice board Multilanguage. Good awareness at all levels.
  • Standards
    1. Client standards adhered to. Regulatory requirements well understood and complies with. Continuous upgrade of standards and specifications and specifications through bottom-up approach.
    2. Process in place to monitor compliance. Compliance with most standards to an acceptable degree. Positive approach to improving standards. General awareness of applicable product line standards. HSE requirements systematically included in equipment/product specifications.
  • Definitions
    1. All QHSE definitions known and well understood at all levels.
    2. Basic QHSE definitions known and understood at all levels.
  • Risk Minimization
    1. QHSE implications of all operations clearly understood. Risk identification and minimization practiced at all levels of managements, in bottom-up approach. Employees trained in risk management. Assessment and prevention commence prior to start of activity. All relevant hazards identified.
    2. Good understanding operational QHSE issues. Systemic approach to risk management & prevention. Hazard assessment compiled and reviewed by involved persons in bottom-up approach. All major hazards identified.
  • Preventions and Mitigation Measures
    1. Integral part of operation. Risk associated with all relevant hazards minimized through systemic application of effective prevention and mitigation measures. All personal protective equipment (PPE) issues addressed. rules clearly defined and always respected.
    2. Risk associated with major hazards minimized through proactive application off prevention and mitigation measure that meet local requirements. Requirements understood by all. PPE rules clearly defined with few violations.
  • Management of Temporary Change
    1. Change identified in an early stage and impact of implemented measures reviewed regularly. Exemption system understood and in place for all cases of noncompliance to standard risk minimization
    2. Formal system in place to identify and manage change. Change management and approval process defined and applied. Effective hand-over process.
  • Asset Integrity
    1. All QHSE issues related to equipment and products clearly identified, understood and communicated to concerned parties. Modifications to equipment and products controlled. Effective bottom-up process in place to upgrade maintenance programs.
    2. Effective maintenance programs in place. focused on HSE-critical requirements. HSE integral part of product development. Facilities, equipment and products fit for purpose and comply with their design specifications.
  • Processes
    1. All critical processes identified documented and reviewed to assess QHSE implications. Full understanding of potential impact of simultaneous operations and controls in place. All operations conducted to reduce risks at all times. QHSE risks clearly communicated to all staff involved in operation.
    2. QHSE implications Of most critical processes understood and controlled. Work practices take most QHSE risks to staff. Simultaneous operations understood and some controls in place.
  • Planning
    1. Plans in place to address all assessed health, safety, environmental and security risks. QI ISE plans written, communicated as appropriate and reviewed on a regular basis. HSE requirements systematically included in early stage of operational plans.
    2. Most health, safety, environment and security issues addressed in plans. Most employees aware of appropriate plans. HSE requirements systematically included in most operational plans. Effective and systematic prejob meetings.
  • Emergency Response
    1. All emergency response plans (ERPs) in place, drilled and tested on regular basis.
    2. All ERPs in place. Not regularly drilled or tested. Roles understood by responsible persons.
  • Incident Reporting
    1. Line management actively leads at all levels accident/near accident reporting, investigation and review. Effective feedback system in place.
    2. Investigations conducted for serious accidents, leading to recommendations.
  • Corrective Action
    1. Quality culture evident with strong. continuous improvement and active participation at all levels over required standards.
    2. Procedures, standards and compliance continually improving within system. Active participation at most levels.
  • Reviews
    1. QHSE management system review passed to management where there is impact on product line and corporate system and procedures.
    2. QHSE management system effectiveness and QHSE performance reviewed quarterly for each new project.

To know more, click here to view our HSC Procedure

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